
SALN COVID-19 News-sheet #11

February 12, 2021
This News-sheet is a public document. Information, quotes, and questions are invited to be shared and included outside of SALN. The majority of SALN members are part of provincial self-advocacy and advisory groups. SALN is aware and interested in the BC self-advocate movement. All SALN members are well-established and recognizable. All SALN members are from leading groups in the movement. SALN Mission Statement: To promote a good life through positive and informed: actions, networking and advocacy.

SALN would like to share the following:

Self-Advocates Leading Connection Grant
Five B.C. self-advocacy groups across the Province received grants to
support social connection during the pandemic.
The Self-Advocate Leadership Network would like to thank
Community Living BC and Inclusion BC for the opportunity to be a
part of this project.We want to thank Community Living BC and Inclusion BC for recognizing the importance of supporting a stronger Provincial self-
advocacy voice. We would like to congratulate the other self-advocacy groups and look forward to building relationships and connections.

SALN News-sheet 11 Feb 12 2021
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