SALN Member Application Process
SALN is a Network made of self–advocates from leading organizations in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island
and Northern BC. The majority of SALN members are part of local and provincial self–advocacy and advisory
groups. SALN is aware and interested in the BC self–advocate movement.
SALN aims to bring together self–advocate leaders to support and learn from each other, and to work on
projects that bring about positive change for people with disabilities and communities.
SALN members with their leadership experience are expected to mentor others to help build self–advocate
leaders in the disability movement within SALN and their own organizations.
SALN Vision:
Together as one
Community for All
Equal People
Learning from History
The SALN vision is what SALN wants for the disability community.
SALN Mission Statement:
To promote a good life through positive and informed: actions, networking, and advocacy.
The SALN mission statement is what guides SALN. SALN and SALN members must follow the mission statement.
Who can apply? What do I need to know how to do? What experience is important?
SALN is looking for leaders from around the Province of British Columbia who have:
o 3 years or more experience in advocacy.
o Represents a self–advocacy group.
o Strong leadership skills.
o Communication skills – ability to explain things in plain language, healthy communication with people,
willing to provide input and share ideas.
o Good decision–making skills. Good problem–solving skills.
o Creative thinkers – innovative, big picture, thinking outside the box, vision, mission.
o Experience leading or helping to lead a self advocacy group or is an up and coming leader. Has a
passion to learn.
o Interest in mentoring others or in being mentored.
o Developed relationships and connections with their community.
o Literacy skills (can read/write), or access to support to help with reading and writing.
o Access and/or support to access computer/tablet/cellphone and internet connection