
BCSALN News-sheet #14: Our Big Announcement!

The majority of BCSALN members are part of provincial self-advocacy and advisory groups.  BCSALN is aware and interested in the BC self-advocate movement.  All BCSALN members are well-established and recognizable.  All BCSALN members are from leading groups in the movement.

BCSALN Mission Statement:

To promote a good life through positive and informed: actions, networking and advocacy.

 BCSALN would like to share the following:

 BCSALN would like to announce that we are now an official society in the Province of British Columbia. 

The name of our society is: British Columbia Self Advocate Leadership Network Society

Details of statement:

In May 2019, BCSALN began our journey to create the first Self Advocate Leadership Network in British Columbia.  BCSALN was co-founded by Michael McLellan and Alexander Magnussen with the support of Jillian Glennie from UNITI.

Since 2019, SALN has been involved in many Provincial and Federal projects and initiatives to address the rights of people with disabilities.

With the support of a grant from Community Living B.C., we have now become an official Society on February 17, 2022 at 11:00 am (PST).

Please invite BCSALN to participate in creating and delivering solutions where it makes sense.
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